Buxton at Christmas & New Year 2025
Much is happening in the UK Churches, and whilst there are devisions, there is more than a sense that God’s people are praying, are believing, and are sharing the Good News about Jesus.
It was thrill to visit Buxton on Christmas Eve to hear the bible read on the streets, carols sung, and the Hope we have in Christ shared with busy shoppers, and to be able to point visitors to a Christmas church service.
It was great again to visit more churches preparing for, and during their Sunday services. What a welcome, from the little Gospel Hall to Trinity Church which we visited twice, and witnessed the baptism and confession of faith from Matt, Ben & Katie, who each braved the weather of January 3rd to be baptized in near freezing conditions with a promise from Rev David Barnsley that the ice was already broken on the outside pool. Let’s praise God together, for His everlasting love shown in the hearts of these wonderful young Christian brothers and sister, and let us also pray continually that they will grow in faith and that others will come to know the saving power of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ … Can we all say … Amen!
Author: Brian Reece - Editor of Arise Peaks & Dales